I met Sophie Pace in a closed group interaction. I was replying to everybody’s post in the group as it occurred to me at that moment. That is how I am know to her.p.
Two days back, she wanted to know how we met, in order to clear her facebook connections. So I commented that we met in that group.
Sophie Pace Nilima Bandhavgarh Nilima…The first life you remember, perhaps…I recall you as a guard at the entry to the pyramid I was closed in with my Mother…She hand picked you because you were trustworthy and had already lived through so much…She was a real task-master! So, you impressed her!
Nilima Bandhavgarh Sophie Pace What a surprise, Sophie! My respect to your mother 🙏🙏🙏🙏Edit or delete thisLike· Reply · 12h
📷Sophie Pace Nilima Bandhavgarh I’ll tell Mary you said “Hello!”😊❤️
For a moment I thought Sophie was getting crazy. Does she remember her past births? Me being there as a guard at some Pyramid in that birth when Sophie with her mother approached me??
If it is true, then I know one of my previous births through Sophie. Ad that explains my fascination for Pyramids; they tell so much about our ow hidden potential as “I am (Aham Brahamsmi)”, … and that all understanding about the highest energy are basically the same.
If Sophie was just expressing whatever came to her mind looking at my sentence is also significant. She expresses the essence that I present to the world now.
I was picked up because of the hard work I have bee putting up, as per her. Somebody so choosy as her mother.
Her mother is “Mary” in this birth, who is her niece…
Look at Sophie as her Painting Show is today, her video clip is attached here.
The message from the universe to me through Sophie is enormous!
This is not the first time when people utter very weird statements about me which sound so very out of the world.
When one focuses, the unheard is audible and the unseen is visible.
How true! I have allowed myself the shift because of the law of attraction formula that I am practicing now..