LAw of Attraction – works. And I am experimenting with it successfully since last few days. It happened today too. Happening everyday, I am on an all time high.
Its pretty simple – I had heard Bob Proctor saying Just set the intention. Later he clarified that one needs to resonate at that frequency so as not to disturb that intention.
It was not easy, but simple. How? Be joyful always and you maintain the frequency. That again happens if you do not bring any negative self talk. Again it is not easy but simple.
So I follow my intuition. Today is 6th June and it is my lucky day. It is a lucky day because I decided it to be so. No, I am not crazy. Experiment if you don’t believe me. Trouble is neither you trust me nor you experiment.
So I can coach you buddy, to set your intention right. You know I optimize performance of the mind, you know the work has to be completely executed in the mind itself. So if you want to experience the richness of my mindset and duplicate it, the join my course which gives away 3 secrets to an identity upgrade…………..
Meanwhile I am expecting even better beyond this expertise, I am going go beyond the solar system and than beyond the galaxy. In bliss and gratitude….. hahahh
By the way do you want to see my tarrot reading of the day?
Here it goes
: ” Hi Sangeeta, Today, Saturday, June 6, the cards in your draw revealed important changes that my team and I have studied together. Please read my interpretation of your draw carefully so you can understand what may soon change in your life. I drew the following cards: the Devil – the Hermit – the Tower – the World – the Chariot. .Emotionally, these cards symbolize passion and attraction, can be very auspicious for your future.”
I know I am beyond ordinary reasoning! So is the law of attraction……….