Policy for Farmers

Sangeeta Naik

Original paper Mr. Shivlumar Surampudi, (Agri business Head-ITC)

Idea behind the policy
To make agriculture a remunerative enterprise for the farmers

Three fold – policy architecture
* demand-driven production
* mitigating inherent production risk
* designing farmer-centric intervention

Demand-Driven Production
* diversify farm production
* remunerative crops
* derived products like milk and meat
* knowledge in crop management
* efficient linkages to input and output markets
* combining the strengths of resource-poor but resourceful farmer
* delivery of real-time information and personalised knowledge
* digital platform to agri-enterprise
* vegetable production zone in the vicinity of top 100 towns
* food processing and crop-specific storage, minimise wastage
* value-added exports of agri produce
* reform APMC Act to offer freedom to farmers in selling
* set up national agri market intelligence system
* set aside the customs duties  to be invested in price stabilization

Climate-Resilient Farming
* Supply side of water for irrigation
* Develop an ‘atlas of natural resources’,
* Strengthen crop insurance system & expeditious settlement
* Promote integrated farming system including renewable energy & bee keeping
* R&D  work on indigenous varieties of seeds
* Set up community-owned-and-operated seed banks

Farmer-Centric Interventions
* FPOs as aggregation mechanism and power of scale to farmers
* Self governance and business management capabilities of POPI
* Farm level infrastructure  support to FPOs
* Consolidation of land holdings  and investments in those
* Augmentation of farm incomes
* Women-friendly farm equipment
* Adaptive research to reduce cost of cultivation
* Convert input subsidies into direct pre-season financial support to both land- owning and tenant farmers

Start and be steadfast