Evolved Livelihoods

SRI in Manpur ClusterAverage yield stood at 15 qntls per acre  which is double the usual yield which they get by the traditional method.  Most of the farmers do not apply Urea and DAP. However, the following farmers are the leading organic farmers.  Ahilya Bai and Meena Singh had used chemical fertilizer and pesticide in the previous year.  While Ahilya Bai’s production stood at 30 qntls per acre last year,  Meena Singh’s production has been stable since last year with the production of bio-gas slurry.  The difference between Ahilya Bai and Meena Singh is that while the former could not compensate with adequate quantity of manure,  the later has managed to do so, and appears to have clicked the puzzle.  She plans to further  experiment next year with vermin-composting of the bio-gas slurry. 

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